Tag crafted gear

John Barrymore May 08, 2024 2 minutes
Explore the new opportunities with the May 7th/8th weekly reset, where players can obtain their 2nd full Spark of Awakening and create gear up to item level 525. Discover crafted gear recommendations tailored to your class from our expert guide writers. Find out how to acquire Sparks of Awakening efficiently and make the most of your resources in Season 4.
John Barrymore October 18, 2023 2 minutes
This blog post discusses the recent increase in the amount of Crests needed to create an Enchanted Crest in the Patch 10.2 build. It also highlights the increased price of crafted gear and the limitations on acquiring Crests. Players will need to carefully consider their choices in using Crests for crafting in order to optimize their gear upgrades.